The journey, not the arrival, is what matters.

The journey, not the arrival, is what matters. 
         - T.S. Eliot

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Galway Girl

After a few days of being in Galway, I think I'm finally starting to believe I'm going to be living here for the next five months!

We had our first couple days of orientation - still seems odd to be referred to as international students, but the campus of NUI Galway is gorgeous, and there are many interesting classes available to us, so I think this will be quite an exceptional semester - academically of course.

Although, the social scene in Galway seems great too. Last night, we went out for the first time to visit a few pubs....they're everywhere. We went to two, and both had live music. I experienced my first request to show my ID, and purchased my first drink at a bar (legally) ever! I had a Bulmer's - which tastes like cider - and then a hot whiskey - which is sort of like tea with hot water, lemon and cloves but instead of a tea bag, you have a shot or two of whiskey. Both were pretty delicious.

Speaking of delicious, Amanda and I did a little exploring today, and stumbled upon some delightful foods! I'm pretty sure the majority of my money will be spent on food over the next five months. The good news: I can't think of a better way to spend my money. We found the Farmer's market we originally set out to find, and bought a crepe at the small stand. My crepe was just the crepe and nutella - perfect. Then, after walking around for a little while, we stumbled upon a tiny bakery called The Oven Door (which came highly recommended) and bought a scone to try. Also delicious. Although, my favorite purchase of the day had to be a chocolate croissant (I bought three actually). Yummm.

But enough about the food - this isn't supposed to be the food diary of Audrey Germer. During our exploring today, we got lost a few times (okay more than a few), but found some great places along the way. We found the place of the original Claddagh ring (the ring that originated in Ireland with the two hands holding a heart with a crown), and read a little bit about it's history. We also saw some excellent streets for shopping that we will be revisiting soon, some more interesting restaurants and pubs, the Spanish arch, a beautiful cathedral, and the Galway bay.

Hopefully the more we wander aimlessly around, the more we might continue to stumble on some gems like the ones we found today.


  1. Sounds lovely! :) Glad you found the Over Door, and a few of the beautiful places in Galway. Keep exploring and getting lost! It's the best thing to do.

  2. Thanks! We enjoyed the Oven Door. We shall keep exploring, getting lost and wondering aimlessly, it's actually quite enjoyable.
